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Young Professionals

Achieving Financial Independence: A Comprehensive Guide

by Brooke Harycki | Johnson Financial Group

4 minute read time


This guide outlines practical steps and tools to help you reach financial independence effectively.

Financial independence is a goal many aspire to, yet achieving it requires strategic planning and disciplined execution. Becoming financially free is the ability to sustain your lifestyle and fulfill your goals without relying on external financial support. This article delves into the essence of financial independence, highlighting its significance and the profound impact it can have on personal freedom and confidence. We will explore practical steps and essential tools to guide you on the path to financial security, enabling you to make choices that align with your aspirations and lifestyle preferences.

What’s financial independence?

Financial independence means having the financial resources to successfully support your lifestyle and achieve your goals without dependency on others. Depending on what your goals are, financial independence may look like signing your first apartment lease, financing a home, signing up for a credit card without a cosigner, buying your first car, becoming debt-free or even providing for a family. These milestones signify financial freedom and are personal victories that pave the way for future financial success.

Why is it important to be financially independent?

Achieving financial independence is crucial for living a more fulfilling and secure lifestyle. Here are a few benefits of reaching this important milestone:

  • Enhanced Work/Life Balance: Financial independence allows individuals to choose careers they’re passionate about rather than jobs they must take out of financial necessity. This freedom can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment. When you’re not tied down by financial pressures, you can also better manage your work hours, allowing more time for personal interests and family, which is essential for a healthy work/life balance. 
  • Freedom of Choice: You gain the liberty to make life decisions without financial constraints. Whether it’s deciding where to live, when to retire or what kind of education to pursue, financial freedom gives you the autonomy to make choices that align with your values and life goals without undue stress about economic implications. 
  • Increased Confidence: Knowing that you have a solid financial foundation can significantly boost your self-confidence. This sense of security isn’t just about feeling able to cover emergencies or retire comfortably — it permeates various aspects of life, enhancing your ability to make decisions and take risks. This confidence can also lead to better mental health and less financial anxiety and stress. 

How long does it take to reach financial independence?

The journey to financial independence is highly individualized and can vary for everyone. The timeline to reach it depends on numerous factors, including income levels, spending habits, financial obligations and personal goals. However, those who proactively set both short- and long-term financial goals and adhere to a robust financial plan, often find themselves achieving financial independence much sooner than those who don’t.

Tip: Give yourself at least a year to achieve one financial goal at a time.

What tools and resources can I use to gain financial independence?

Several tools can aid your journey towards financial independence. Here are some that we recommend to young professionals:

  • A Trusted Financial Advisor: Establishing a relationship with a financial advisor and meeting biannually ensures accountability and professional oversight, enabling you to stay committed to your financial goals and make timely adjustments to your strategies. 
  • Employee Benefits: Maximize employer-offered benefits like 401(k) plans, which can significantly enhance your savings. Taking full advantage of these benefits can reduce out-of-pocket expenses and further bolster your financial well-being. 
  • Online Budget Tools: Using digital tools and mobile apps, like our MyJFG banking solution and MyFinance Manager, can significantly streamline your financial management. These resources can help you set and adhere to budgets, track expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs. 

The 5 Steps to Reaching Financial Independence

Achieving financial independence is a goal that requires careful planning and disciplined action. Here are the five crucial steps that can help guide you on your path to freedom:

  1. Open a Bank Account: Begin by establishing a bank account to manage your finances effectively and including automatic transfers to savings account
  2. Create a Budget: Understand your income and expenses by creating a detailed budget. 
  3. Save Diligently: Commit to a savings plan that allows you to accumulate wealth over time. 
  4. Build Credit: Responsibly manage credit to build a strong credit history, which can be beneficial for future financial endeavors. 
  5. Pursue Suitable Lifestyle Choices: Align your lifestyle with your financial capabilities to ensure sustainable living. 

Financial independence isn't just about accumulating wealth — it's about gaining the freedom to make choices that make your life more fulfilling without financial constraints. By understanding what financial independence means, utilizing the right tools and following practical steps, you can set the stage for a secure and prosperous future.

Need support on your journey to financial independence? Connect with one of our advisors today.


Brooke Harycki

Brooke Harycki

VP Consumer Banking Regional Manager | Johnson Financial Group

As Vice President, Consumer Banking Regional Manager, Brooke is responsible for providing exceptional service to clients in Northwest Wisconsin. She encourages her team to develop long-term relationships and develop a true understanding of your needs.