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Starting Out

Making smart financial decisions early on can set you up for success later in life. We're here to help you get started.

Husband happily twirls his wife around in the living room of their new home.

Our Approach

Learn easy ways to take control of your money by creating a budget, starting to save and managing your debt.

Creating a Budget

Woman sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.

Why it's important

  • Save enough money to cover your basic needs and wants.
  • Gain efficient and better control of your assets.
  • Avoid overspending.
  • Reduce financial worries.
  • Reduce debt.
  • Increase financial knowledge.

Starting to Save

Start by setting your goals. Identify what you are saving for and why. Here are some common savings buckets.

Emergency Savings

Buying a Home


College Funds

Tips for Managing Debt

Two young females sitting on a couch making an online purchase.
  • Make a list of the debts and what you owe.
  • Create a household budget and track your spending.
  • Decide which debts to pay off first. Pay your bills on time each month.
  • Set up automatic payments.
  • Make at least the minimum payment.
  • Consult with your trusted advisor.

Learn more about...

Woman sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.

Creating a Budget

A personal budget is a simple step you can take today to put you on the right path to achieving your financial goals.

Father holding young son in an atrium setting.

Starting to Save

Saving can be one of the most challenging habits to begin and carry forward. Find out how you can use saving as a tool to build and maintain wealth.

Two young females sitting on a couch making an online purchase.

Managing Debt

You’re not alone. Millions of Americans face the reality of debt. We want to help you tackle debt head on so you can regain confidence in your financial future.